Friday, April 4, 2008

Article from the Globe & Mail

Here is the short article that appeared in the Globe & Mail this morning, featuring a couple of nice quotes from this here blog:

Driving for dollars with Buffett


April 4, 2008

In public, Warren Buffett rarely deviates from his published thoughts, especially his much anticipated annual letters. But those who bask in his charms are never disappointed at having met him, even if they learn nothing new.

MBA students from the Richard Ivey School of Business at the University of Western Ontario were the latest group to meet Mr. Buffett during a trip to the Oracle's base in Omaha, Neb. One student, Nick Kuzyk, has maintained a blog ( devoted to the trip and posted his experiences, which include being driven by Mr. Buffett to a restaurant.

"What I remember from the ride was Mr. Buffett's caution at the wheel, yet complete comfort as the steward of our fortunes," Mr. Kuzyk wrote on his blog. "The metaphor couldn't have been more perfect, especially for me as a shareholder."

But as for getting any chewable tidbits from Mr. Buffett, the experience sounds as though it was more about meeting fame and fortune face to face - and the inspiration that comes with that - than about learning anything specific about stock picking.

"[None] of what he said hasn't been captured in other interviews, on television, in annual reports, or in his soon to be released biography (Sept. 29, 2008) already," Mr. Kuzyk wrote. "So, I'm pretty sure that the true value of my experience will reveal itself over time."

To get the steak instead of the sizzle, maybe you have to be the winning bidder when Mr. Buffett auctions himself for a private lunch. At last year's auction, the winner paid $650,100 (U.S.).

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